What is Chiropractic Rehabilitation?
All tissue growth and repair is influenced by gravity (mechanical loading) and our posture, and it has been shown that good posture minimises the stresses on the body. If untreated, the altered alignment of the body may lead to poor healing of tissue, and (sub optimal) changes in muscle, ligament, bone and the central nervous system.
By setting out a treatment plan that includes both manipulation of the joints and muscles and bespoke exercises, chiropractors can achieve better outcomes. The fear of pain and how it impacts one’s daily life is often is often a bigger factor for patients than the pain itself. Pain coping strategies which reduce fear, anxiety, and depression are therefore often essential to a successful outcome.
Rehabilitation at Cornwall Chiropractic
Rehabilitation at the Cornwall Chiropractic Clinic embraces a range of skills for assessing and treating patients that include working with muscles and soft tissue, relaxation, enhancing balance, core strength, and lifestyle changes.
A fundamental contribution to the rehabilitation of our patients is now Foundation Training. A methodology delivered by a chiropractor in the USA, that offers a range of exercises and approaches that specifically deal with static and core strengths, movement training and dynamic exercise.
Working with an innovation in this field, Natural Form, this website and its philosophy is offering our patients an unbeatable methodology to enhance their rehabilitation and achieve great success with their future well-being and health.
For more information on Foundation Training and how you can gain access to this fitness programme contact the clinic.