Sports Injury

Types of Sports Injury
The most common types of sports injuries are those that affect the soft tissue, not bones. Typical examples are bruising, sprains (ligament tears) and strains (muscle and tendon tears). Symptoms typically after the injury are severe pain, inability to put weight on the painful limb or move it, swelling and tenderness to touch. Inflammation often referred to as tendonitis and bursitis is more chronic in nature caused often by over use and long term stressing of joints and their soft tissue structures.
Causes can be wide-ranging but the most common are poor equipment and techniques, high speed collision between players and wear and tear of areas sustaining repetitive use.

Treating Sports Injuries at Cornwall Chiropractic
Most people are familiar with the reactive treatments following an injury, including bandaging and strapping, icing, rest and often anti-inflammatories. However, what also needs to happen, to avoid the injury recurring, is a complete assessment of the person’s musculoskeletal system, occupation, hobbies and general health. That will ensure that the person is returned to long term fitness, by tailoring the treatment and the rehabilitation to their specific needs.
Prevention is Always Better Than Cure!
Of course some sports injuries just happen, and that’s where all we can do is aid recovery as quickly as possible. However, most sports injuries are preventable if some advice is heeded and common sense applied. Obviously it is way better not to have the injury in the first place, so do consider these factors when undertaking any strenuous activity:
1. Use of protective clothing
2. Supervision of activities by experienced individuals
3. Education of both children and adults as to best practice
4. Need to warm up for between 5-10 minutes before strenuous exercise
5. Cool down is just as critical to avoid stiffening muscles
6. Not to over reach oneself
7. Water, remain hydrated