Starchy vegetables put on the pounds

Can they contribute to weight gain?Eating starchy vegetables, such as peas and corn, can put on the weight, but sticking to high-fibre and low glycaemic fruits and vegetables will help you shed the pounds.What should I be eating?A diet that’s rich in berries,...


Could it be a nutritional deficiency? Researchers think that the Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and nuts, is one of the best ways of preventing the problem.Can I help myself?They have noted that those who eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, and...

Light exercise reduces risk of asthma attack

Research into asthma and exercise Thirty minutes of exercise a day could keep asthma attacks away.New research has discovered that asthmatics who do daily gentle exercise, such as walking, riding a bike or yoga, are nearly three times less likely to have an attack...

Carrots and spinach help keep your eyesight sharp

ResearchA major new study has found that the carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of AMD (age-related macular degeneration) by 35%. AMD is the major cause of failing sight and blindness as we age.What should I eat?The greatest protective effect was...

Vitamin D and Dementia

Did you know?Upping your vitamin D could help stave off dementia, according to a recent study published in the journal Neurology, which found that a low blood level of vitamin D was associated with faster cognitive decline. Food sources include oily fish, fortified...

Infantile celiac disease increasing

What is celiac disease?The number of children diagnosed with celiac disease, where there is a serious auto-immune reaction to dietary gluten from wheat, barley and rye, has trebled in the UK over the past twenty years.FindingsIt’s reckoned that around one per cent...

More than half of children are dehydrated

FindingsMore than half of children and adolescents aren’t drinking enough water, and even mild dehydration can cause headaches, poor physical performance and reduced cognitive functioning, a new study has found.And it’s worse for boys. Around seventy six per cent...

Dark chocolate

Low Energy?Overcome the mid-morning energy low with a piece or two of dark chocolate, researchers say - and they have been scans to prove it!The chocolate makes us more attentive and awake, and its benefits aren’t psychological; it affects areas of the brain...

Vitamin D links to MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

BackgroundEarlier studies have linked low level of vitamin D and sufferers of MS. A new study wanted to identify a link between vitamin D and other conditions of the spinal cord, like Transverse Myelitis (TM) and Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO). It also wanted to...

Gluten sensitivity

Is it a fad?Not eating wheat is all the rage, and some sceptics regard it as a fashionable fad – but scientists have discovered the gluten sensitivity is a very real problem, and they’ve also figured out the biological mechanism behind it.ResearchEating wheat...