Physical Therapy
As well as offering a comprehensive chiropractic treatment, Cornwall Chiropractic Clinic offers complementary therapies which can work with Chiropractic or in their own right to treat specific conditions and symptoms.
Physiotherapy is an evidenced-based healthcare profession that promotes recovery from injury, illness or disability. This is achieved through education and advice, movement and exercise, self-management and manual therapy. The fundamental principle of physiotherapy is the patient’s involvement in their own care; this is achieved through careful discussion with each individual around what their specific objectives and goals they wish to achieve. This approach encourages empowerment, awareness and participation in their treatment. This reinforces patient and therapist relationship in order to achieve success.
Sports Massage
This treatment is not just for the sports person: anyone can benefit from sports massage, including people in physically demanding jobs and those not quite so obvious (occupational, emotional, and postural stress may produce many similar characteristics to sports injuries).
Sports massage tends to be deeper and more intense. It is based on the various elements of Swedish massage and often incorporates a combination of other techniques involving stretching, compression, friction, toning, and trigger point response techniques similar to Acupressure and Shiatsu. The skilled therapist brings together this blend of techniques, knowledge and advice during treatment, to work effectively with the client to bring about optimum performance and to provide injury-free training and minimise post event injuries.
Common problems
Achilles pain, arthritis, back and neck pain, headaches, hip pain, runners knee, sciatica, sports injuries, stress, tennis elbow.
A sports massage treatment
It’s important to understand the underlying causes of a problem to prevent it happening again. Our practitioners carry out a full analysis so they can tailor each treatment to a client’s particular needs.